Technical Committee (TC) Smart Machine-to-Machine Communications (SmartM2M)

We are developing standards to enable M2M services and applications and certain aspects of the Internet of Things (IoT).

We are a partner in oneM2M and help to produce the specifications to enable users to build platforms by which devices and services can be connected, regardless of the underlying technology used.
Our work enables connected devices to exchange information through SAREF, our smart applications reference ontology that runs with oneM2M-compliant communication platforms. With SAREF, SmartM2M is promoting oneM2M Base Ontology with extensions in many IoT domains.

We are the first group in ETSI to develop Smart Cities requirements. SmartM2M is the home of the first Smart Agriculture oneM2M/ITS Pilot. We are investigating virtualized IoT architectures, identifying new elements that are required to support a virtualized IoT service layer. We are also supporting the ETSI role in AIOTI ( WG03 (IoT Standardization) in collaboration with the H2020 IoT Large Scape Pilot and IoT Platforms. We collaborate with TC CYBER to achieve the move towards better IoT Cybersecurity, Safety and Privacy protection.

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