As the standardization landscape grows more complex, encompassing challenges like artificial intelligence, data protection, and cybersecurity, ETSI recognizes the need to nurture future ICT standardization experts.

ETSI, like other SDOs, relies on experts from industry, public administrations, civil society, research, or academia to deliver on all the critical aspects when developing standards. The growing importance of standardization for competitiveness and public benefit highlights the urgency of addressing the current lack of formal standardization education and vocational training.

We strongly believe in the necessity of educating and recruiting top standardization experts to achieve global ambitions. Read the document "Why Standards Matter: Technical Standards and their role in building cohesive policy":

Education about standardization has been supported by ETSI since 2018 with the publication of our textbook (Understanding ICT Standardization – Principles and Practice) and other teaching materials.

"Understanding ICT Standardization", authored by European university experts, offers modular content suitable for engineering, business, and law courses, aligning with the latest accessibility standards.
The first edition has already seen over 1,000 downloads, and the accompanying slide set has been adopted by 40 European universities.

Highlighting ETSI’s lead in ICT standardization education and awareness, we developed a second edition of our successful textbook and teaching materials.

Our teaching materials target third-level education, primarily for engineering and scientific students, with modules relevant to business, management, innovation, and legal subjects.

Topics covered include:

  • Standardization basics
  • The standards ecosystem
  • The production of standards
  • Standardization and innovation
  • A Strategic perspective on standardization
  • A business perspective: Standardization and intellectual property rights (IPR)
  • The economic benefits of standards

We support the EC's standardization strategy, which recognizes the need to train new experts to replace the generation that will be soon retiring, and EC's goals for a digital, green, and resilient single market.

More about standardization education

If you want more information on the ETSI Education about Standardization activities please contact Claire d'Esclercs:

See article about Teaching standards in the digital world