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integral role. Connectivity will become the            Small Business Act for Europe
            new ‘lifeblood’ of our society, and the impact   Among policies and initiatives specifically
            of new technologies will induce a paradigm       framing ETSI activities as a European
            shift in existing industries and trigger the     standardization organization are:
            emergence of new industries and ecosystems,
            where the nature of ICT as cross-sectoral and          Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 on European
            pervasive infrastructure means that policies         Standardization  (2012), setting basic
            need to go beyond traditional models.                principles for the European standardization
                                                                 system including transparency and
            European level – Digital transformation and          inclusiveness, and identifying the
            its impact on industries, markets and societies      framework for ICT standardization that to a
            are long-standing issues for the European            large extent defines the role of ETSI
            Commission and national governments.
                                                                   The Digital Single Market strategy for
            At the European level, this has led to a wide        Europe (2015), with its 16 specific action
            range of comprehensive policy initiatives,           programmes, addressing a number of
            aiming at keeping Europe at the forefront of         areas of strategic operation interest to ETSI
            the digital transformation era.                        Upgrading the Single Market (2015), with
            Digital technologies as enablers for                 its ambition amongst other actions to
            competitiveness, entrepreneurship                    modernize the European Standardization
            and innovation are highlighted in the                System
            Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan,                     Cybersecurity Strategy of the European
            encouraging the digital transformation of            Union (2013), providing an overall
            Europe. Initiatives like European Innovation         strategic framework for the EU initiatives
            Partnerships and Public-Private Partnerships         on cybersecurity, identifying relations to
            are examples of initiatives aiming at addressing     on-going ICT standardization work in order
            not only their targeted areas, but identifying       to serve the needs of industry vertical
            any need for developing European policies            sectors and critical economic sectors
            going forward.                                         The Radio Equipment Directive (RED)
            At the top of the European agenda are                (2014), being at the core domain of ETSI
            industrial policies for the globalization era,       activities
            where a digital agenda for Europe is a key             Network Information Security (NIS)
            component building an innovation union:              Directive  (2015), outlining security needs
                                                                 and links to standards
                  EU 2020 flagship initiatives 3             All these are areas to support the enabling

                  Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan          of the digital transformation and hence the
                                                             development of a Digital Single Market.
            Technology Trends

            Technology is the driving factor of the digital   the adoption of new technologies and their
            transformation leading to fundamental            market penetration. Such activities include, for
            changes in societies and economies. ICT          instance, specific process standards, reference
            standards have been available on a horizontal    architectures and architecture frameworks,
            level and function as enablers for new           standards landscaping and roadmaps, and use
            innovative technology integration toward         cases.
            highly innovative vertical systems. In addition,
            specific vertical standardization activities     Technology trends arise at an ever increasing
            contribute to promoting and facilitating         pace and those here of strategic importance

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