Page 5 - etsi-long-term-strategy
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2. Introduction

            The Long-Term Strategy originates from and is written so as to address

            the ETSI membership at large. It provides a high-level description
            of the major ambitions and aims of ETSI for the period 2016-2021,
            together with the rationale behind them. The new Long-Term Strategy

            builds on its preceding Long-Term Strategy from 2011 .

            The section entitled The Context describes       These are described in terms of Key Strategic
            the major factors in the ecosystem of the        Objectives, each defining a major goal for ETSI.
            digital economy that determine or influence      Together, they define ETSI’s direction of travel
            the technical standards that ETSI creates        and the developments underpinning the Key
            and enables. The section provides the socio-     Strategic Objectives outline where ETSI is on
            economic, political and technology context       the journey to reach its goals and the expected
            in which ETSI operates and in which its Long-    major stages of that journey.
            Term Strategy is set.
                                                             The Long-Term Strategy will be supplemented
            The section entitled ETSI’s Strategic Position   by a plan outlining actions to implement
            provides ETSI’s position in terms of its Vision   identified strategic objectives and major
            and Mission taking as starting point the Basic   goals for ETSI. The section entitled Strategy
            Principles that characterize and underpin the    Implementation provides the way forward to
            way ETSI operates.                               realize the strategy laid out in this document.

            The section entitled ETSI’s Strategic Objectives
            defines the aims and ambitions for the next
            five years.


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