Page 11 - ETSI-Newsletter-Feb-2017
P. 11

Industrial Standards for Quantum Cryptography

       Continued (from page 10)

       The need for industrial              Current work items of the ISG focus   However, quantum cryptography
       standards                            upon the metrology of QKD systems,   provides a particularly elegant solution
                                                                                 to the implementation security
       The current global activity in quantum   implementation security issues   problem. The technique of Privacy
                                            and deployment scenarios for QKD.
       communications means that there is   Standards for the components used    Amplification allows information-
       a pressing need to develop industrial   in QKD systems will stimulate a supply   theoretic security to be restored, even
       standards. Standards are essential   chain for the technology, through the   for an imperfect QKD system, provided
       for ensuring the interoperability of   definition of common interfaces and   the extra information available to an
       equipment and protocols in complex   requirements. It will define a market   adversary due to the flaws can be
       systems, as well as stimulating a supply   for specialist devices such as photon   measured. The work in the ISG has
       chain for components, assemblies and   sources and detectors. This opens   therefore concentrated on metrology of
       applications through the definition of   new opportunities for component   QKD implementations and theoretical
       common interfaces. Without standards   manufacturers, while providing     work on relating this to the potential
       there would be no global networks for   hardware vendors with a broader and   information available to Eve.
       fibre optic and mobile communications,   more reliable supply base.
       or low cost consumer electronics                                          The first type of active attack to be
       based on reliable and widely available   Another highly topical area studied   analysed in detail is the so-called Trojan
       components from multiple suppliers.   by the ISG concerns implementation   Horse Attack, in which an adversary
       New standards are required to integrate   security of QKD systems. Although the   shines bright light into the QKD system
       quantum communications into networks   protocols for QKD can be proven to   and tries to gain information from
       and to stimulate its commercialization.  be information-theoretically secure,   the back-reflections without causing
       ETSI has been leading the development   small deviations of real world systems   any disturbance. Work in the ISG has
       of industrial standards for quantum   from the theoretical model can open   demonstrated that this attack can be
       communications through the Industry   potential vulnerabilities. The ISG is   rendered totally ineffective by adding
       Specification Group (ISG) for Quantum   therefore working on understanding   a few passive components, a filter and
       Key Distribution. Its mission is to   the potential imperfections of real   optical isolator, to the QKD transmitter.
       develop ETSI Group Specifications    QKD systems, analysing the potential
       (and since 2016 Group Reports)       side channel and attack scenarios    In conclusion, the work of the ETSI
       describing quantum cryptography for   that these introduce and advising on   ISG on QKD is important to enable the
       ICT networks. To date it has published   countermeasures suitable to mitigate   future interoperability of the quantum
       several documents on QKD Use         the threats.                         communication networks being
       Cases, Application Interfaces, Security                                   deployed around the world. Just as
       Proofs, Module Specification and     It is very natural that work focuses   important, it will ensure that quantum
       Characterization of Components. The   upon implementation security issues   cryptography is implemented in a
       membership of the ISG comprises      as there are now sophisticated       safe manner that mitigates the risk of
       large companies, telecom operators,   QKD prototypes with a high level of   side channels and active attacks. By
       SMEs, national metrology institutes,   technology readiness. It should be   defining common interfaces, it will
       government labs and universities     noted that side channels are a feature   stimulate markets for components,
       and has representatives from North   of all cryptographic equipment, and are   systems and applications.
       American, Asia and Europe. All ETSI   also a challenge for systems based on
       members are welcome to join the ISG.  computational complexity.

       ETSI and IQC hold workshop on Quantum-Safe Cryptography

       The 4th ETSI/IQC Workshop took       standardized approach to quantum-    industry and government, and cutting-
       place in Toronto, Canada, from 19 to   safe cryptographic solutions.      edge solutions coming out of the latest
       21 September 2016. The event was                                          research studies.
       organized by ETSI and the Institute for   As quantum computing is no doubt
       Quantum Computing and sponsored      going to disrupt the IT landscape, a   Attendees and presenters included
       by ISARA and Evolutionq. It opened   new suite of tools resilient to quantum   experts from the fields of post-
       on 19 September with a special       computers must be deployed and       quantum (quantum resistant)
       Executive Track intended for business   standardized in order to maintain secure   cryptography, quantum key distribution
       and security executives who needed   systems and ensure confidentiality.  (QKD), theoretical and commercial
       to develop strategies for a quantum-                                      integration of cryptography and
       safe future. The sessions on 20 and   This three-day workshop brought     security tools, first-adopters of
       21 September featured an in depth    together players from the quantum-   quantum-safe tools from industry
       technical workshop designed to help   safe cryptography community at large,   and government, and members of
       industry participants move towards a   from around the world. It showcased   standards bodies.
                                            the most recent requirements from

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