Page 6 - ETSI-Newsletter-Feb-2017
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ETSI Drives NFV Interoperability with First Plugtests Event

       ETSI organized the first Network     end-to-end capabilities including    The list of participants at this event
       Functions Virtualization (NFV)       management of descriptors and        includes: A10 Networks, ADVA Optical
       interoperability Plugtests® event    software images, as well as life cycle   Networking, Anritsu A/S, Canonical USA
       from 23 January to 3 February 2017.   management of network services and   Inc., Cisco Systems, EANTC, Ericsson, F5
       This event was hosted by 5TONIC      virtual network functions.           Networks, Fortinet, Fraunhofer FOKUS,
       Laboratory with the technical support                                     Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, Huawei,
       of Telefonica and took place in      The test plan development has been   Intel, Italtel, Ixia, Keynetic Technologies,
       Leganes, Madrid, Spain. This important   driven by ETSI’s Center for Testing   Lenovo, Mahindra Comviva, Netrounds,
       event came hot on the heels of the   and Interoperability, building on    Openet, Palo Alto Networks, Radware,
       publication of the ETSI NFV Release 2   the methodology defined by the    Red Hat,, Sandvine, Sonus
       specifications and the announcement   ETSI NFV testing working group. The   Networks, Spirent, University of the
       of ETSI Open Source MANO Release     overall results and lessons learnt   Basque Country (UPV/EHU), VMware
       ONE in October 2016.                 will be fed back to ETSI NFV Industry   and Wind River.
                                            Specification Group.
       This first NFV Plugtests event was
       ambitious. A pre-testing and remote   Over 40 commercial and open source
       integration phase was already        implementations were tested for
       launched in November 2016. 29        interoperability, including 20 virtual
       remote labs were connected to the    network functions, 10 management
       ETSI Plugtests network to verify     and orchestration solutions and 10
       interconnection between the different   NFV platforms. Over 140 people have
       Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs),   prepared this two week event, forming
       Management and Orchestration         an engaged and diverse community.
       (MANO) solutions and NFV platforms   Key NFV Open Source projects, ETSI
       participating in the Plugtests. During   OSM, Open Baton, OPEN-O and
       the two-week intense testing         OPNFV participated. This first ETSI NFV
       phase, interoperability tests focused   Plugtests was a unique opportunity to
       on validating ETSI NFV Release 2     stimulate synergy and alignment across
                                            the NFV ecosystem.

       ETSI Brings Virtualization of Telecommunication Networks

       Closer with Announcement of NFV Release 2

       NFV Architectural Framework Gains Further Traction
       as Greater Breadth of Key Parameters are Determined
       On 27 September 2016 ETSI announced   as the management of virtualized
       the availability of the NFV Release 2   resources, lifecycle management of   "ETSI NFV Architectural
       specifications, delivering requirements,   both network services and virtualized   Framework will be the
       interfaces and information models    network functions, network service    foundation upon which
       for Network Functions Virtualization   fault/performance management,       future virtualization of the
       (NFV). This underlines the significant   virtualized resource capacity     network is established"
       progress made in the development and   management, etc.
       future utilization of NFV technology.
       Undertaken by the ETSI Industry     “This represents another major step   “By drawing upon the combined merits
       Specification Group on NFV (ETSI     towards our objective of defining a   of a well-defined standards structure
       ISG NFV) now covering an expansive   comprehensive set of specifications   and the support of the open source
       range of core activities, the successful   that will facilitate the deployment of   community, we have been able to
       completion of the specifications from   NFV throughout the telecommunication   accelerate the development process
       the Release 2 roadmap will move the   industry, with significant benefits   and ensure widespread
       telecommunication sector closer to the   being subsequently derived in many   interoperability,” Lopez continues.
       goal of a more agile, flexible and cost-  interrelated sectors,” states Telefonica’s   “I am therefore confident that the
       effective network infrastructure.    Diego Lopez, the newly appointed     ETSI NFV Architectural Framework
                                            Chairman of ETSI NFV ISG. “Through   will be the foundation upon which
       Building on the ETSI ISG NFV         the collaborative efforts of all parties   future virtualization of the network is
       documentation that was published in   involved in the ETSI NFV ISG, we have   established - enabling cost effective
       late 2014, NFV Release 2 incorporates   been able to identify and define the   allocation of resources and the rapid
       11 new group specifications, in addition   required capabilities, following a   addition of new services, while still
       to the many NFV specifications already   practical approach that leverages   ensuring the highest degrees of security
       published. These detail the various   proofs of concept to explore and    and reliability, as well as painless and
       requirements, interface descriptions   demonstrate what was proposed. The   seamless integration with existing
       and information models enabling      combination of wide consensus and    infrastructure.”
       interoperability of solutions based on   experimental evidence has led to NFV
       the ETSI NFV Architectural Framework.   being recognized as a completely viable
       Release 2 outlines the necessary     and highly valuable technology. This
       functional requirements in relation to   has allowed us to make progresses at a
       a wide set of functional areas, such   fast pace.”

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