Page 4 - ETSI-Newsletter-Feb-2017
P. 4

Year 1: OSM Races out of the Starting Gates to Shape

       Global Mano Ecosystem

       Written by Chris Buerger, Intel, Chair of OSM Marcom Task Force

       Speed matters. In software
       development, no matter whether it
       is proprietary or open source, early
       success is often defined in the same
       way as an Olympic 100-meter dash.
       The first few steps out of the starting
       block are critical in quickly getting to
       the 100m point. The race then changes
       once this has been accomplished – the
       straight line race track starts to curve
       and a group of runners settles in to run
       the distance and find success at the
       finish line.
       To me, the first year of OSM bears a
       number of similarities to a 100-meter   Year 2 will be different. Speed still   NFV World
       race, and as the year 2017 has just   matters, but it will be accompanied
       started, I am taking some time to    by well-measured collaboration         Congress
       reflect on what we have jointly      activities to take the OSM software
       accomplished since the inception of the   stack through the standard lab/field/  2017
       OSM community and outline a number   production deployment cycle with
       of personal thoughts on key themes for   service providers engaging in MANO.
       this new year.                       Interoperability, stability, security
                                            and the size and maturity of the
        OSM releases have been              commercial support ecosystem for
        downloaded more than                OSM will become key themes on
        2000 times from 50+                 the road to production deployments.
        countries, 55 organizations         New use cases and network service
                                            scenarios from the broader community
        have joined OSM, we have            will tie the code base to its economic
        much to be proud of                 value. I expect that OSM’s guiding
                                            principle of modularity for any software
       Not to wax nostalgic, but looking back   component will provide additional
       at 2016 does showcase a number of    choice and capabilities.
       accomplishments that would be the
       envy of the majority of open source   In addition, as a result of the success
       communities. From the first public OSM   of broadly observed initiatives such as   2-5 May 2017,
       demonstration at the end of February   Telefonica’s UNICA program, a set of
       at MWC 2016, to creating two OSM     existing and new community members     Silicon Valley,
       releases that have been downloaded   will choose to actively invest time
       more than 2000 times from 50+        and contribute engineering expertise   San Jose, USA
       countries, to capturing the interest   and code as purchase points for OSM
       of 55 organizations that have joined   proliferate across the globe. ETSI’s   ETSI is pleased to endorse
       OSM, we have much to be proud of.    groups for NFV and MANO will receive   Layer123’s NFV World
       On the technical side, the creation of a   an increasing amount of input based
       well-functioning, one-step installable,   on the pragmatic results of the work   Congress, taking place in San
       multi-VIM, multi-SDN controller      within OSM.                            Jose, USA.
       OSM Release ONE that incorporates                                           Member of the NFV ISG
       information models commonly agreed    OSM turns its sights from
       upon by a group of operators and      a 100-meter dash to a 10k             leadership team will
       solution vendors stands out to me.    race in 2017                          contribute to the conference
       On the community engagement side,                                           programme. Don’t miss
       the OSM workshop at SDN World        So speed and timing will still matter as
       Congress in The Hague, the launch of   OSM turns its sights from a 100-meter   the opportunity to obtain
       the new website, quarterly newsletters,   dash to a 10k race in 2017. I believe   first-hand information on
       the OSM Twitter channel and, personally   that as with other successful software   ETSI and how to contribute
       most important, the contributions    development initiatives, collaborative   to its NFV standardization
       of an awesome group of marketing     and reliable execution and a singular
       professionals to create awareness and   focus on unlocking OSM’s economic   activities by visiting the ETSI
       excitement for OSM top my list.      value for the entire community over    exhibition stand.
        Speed still matters,                the next 5-10 years will set us apart.   For more information on the
                                            OSM’s accomplishment in getting out
        but it will be accompanied          of the starting block with speed and   NFV World Congress visit the
        by well-measured                    clear direction is the best indicator for   event website at: https://
        collaboration activities            continued success in 2017 and beyond.

        4 |  THE STANDARD    February 2017
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