Page 15 - ETSI-Newsletter-Feb-2017
P. 15

ETSI’s General Assembly Chairman Reappointed,

       New Vice Chair Representing SMEs

       At their 68th General Assembly held on   as vice-chairman of the ETSI Board   R&D and educational projects such as
       29-30 November 2016, ETSI members    and has been a member of the Board   the “Electromagnetic Compatibility
       have re-appointed Mr. Simon Hicks of   of ETSI from 2002 to 2014. He has just   of Communications Systems” R&D
       the UK government’s Digital Economy   completed his first term of office as   laboratories at the Technical University
       Unit as Chairman of the ETSI General   ETSI General Assembly Chairman from   of Sofia. He is leading courses in the
       Assembly, for a two-year term of office.  2014 to 2016.                   field of Information Transmission
                                                                                 Theory, Broadband Transmission and
       At the same time, ETSI members have   Mrs. Valet-Harper is Senior Standards   Access Networks. He has also founded
       re-appointed Mrs. Isabelle Valet-    and Interoperability Strategist at   and chairs the Bulgarian Cluster of
       Harper of Microsoft, and appointed Mr.   Microsoft. She has been a member   Telecommunications, a cluster whose
       Vladimir Poulkov as vice-chairs of the   of the ETSI Board since 2011, and   members are leading telecom SMEs
       General Assembly.                    has participated in a number of      in Bulgaria, with portfolio covering
                                            French, European and international   almost the entire product range of
       Mr. Hicks is Principal Technologist   standards bodies including AFNOR,   telecommunication services.
       in the joint departmental Digital    ETSI, ISO/IEC JTC1, IETF, W3C, 3GPP,
       Economy Unit, responsible for        Ecma International, OMA, the Multi   ETSI’s Director General, Mr. Luis
       the development of UK policy for     Stakeholders Platform, etc. over the past   Jorge Romero, works closely with the
       standards and technology activity in ICT,   25 years. She held numerous official   leaders of the General Assembly and
       electronic communications and cyber   positions including Delegate, Editor,   the Board in the management of the
       security. A Chartered Engineer and   Chairman, President, Board Member    institute. The General Assembly is the
       corporate member of the Institution   and Liaison Officer. She has just   highest authority of the Institute, it
       of Engineering and Technology, Mr.   completed her first term as ETSI General   meets twice yearly and is made up of
       Hicks is also the UK’s representative   Assembly vice-chair, from 2014 to 2016.  the entire ETSI membership. Its chair
       on the European Commission’s                                              and two vice chairs are elected for a
       Multi-Stakeholder Platform on ICT    Mr. Vladimir Poulkov has led many    two-year term of office and can serve a
       Standardization. Mr. Hicks has served   national and international industrial,   maximum of two consecutive terms.

       Home Gateway Initiative Smart Home Specifications

       Published by ETSI

       In November 2016, three Home         recognition as a European Standards   Enrico Scarrone, chairman of ETSI
       Gateway Initiative specifications    Organization and reputation as a     SmartM2M Technical Committee,
       have been published as Technical     provider of standards for global use.   said: “HGI consulted closely with ETSI
       Specifications by ETSI. Following    Submitting a PAS to be published by   SmartM2M during the development
       the closure of the Home Gateway      ETSI can also be a first step towards it   of these key documents. This work
       Initiative in June 2016, work on the   becoming a European Standard. These   complements our own work on smart
       three specifications was transferred to   three specifications from the HGI are   appliances very well, and we’re happy
       ETSI. They have now been published   the first to be published by ETSI under   to integrate these HGI requirements
       using the ETSI Publicly Available    its recently revised PAS process.    into our family of specifications.”
       Specification process.

       The three specifications are ETSI TS
       103 424, which deals with smart home
       architecture and system requirements,
       ETSI TS 103 425 which describes
       requirements for Wireless Home Area
       Networks (WHANs) supporting smart
       home services and ETSI TS 103 426
       which contains requirements for HGI
       Open Platform 2.1 regarding modular
       software deployments on the home
       gateway. They are also available at
       The ETSI Publicly Available Specification
       (PAS) process enables an organization
       which has signed an agreement with
       ETSI to submit one or more of its
       Publicly Available Specifications for
       adoption by ETSI as an ETSI Technical
       Specification or ETSI Technical Report.
       A Publicly Available Specification
       published as an ETSI Technical
       Specification benefits from ETSI's

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