TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (TC) Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI)

The aim of Technical Committee Securing Artificial Intelligence (TC SAI) is to develop technical specifications that mitigate against threats arising from the deployment of AI, and threats to AI systems, from both other AIs, and from conventional sources. Whilst in the short to medium term the focus of TC SAI will be on the application of Machine Learning (ML) the group shall also give guidance and evaluation reports to ETSI and its stakeholders on the wider developments of AI.

NOTE: The term AI is used to include variants and siblings of AI including ML.

TC SAI addresses 4 main aspects of AI security standardisation:

1. Securing AI from attack e.g. where AI is a component in the system that needs defending.
2. Mitigating against AI e.g. where AI is the ‘problem’ (or used to improve and enhance other more conventional attack vectors).
3. Using AI to enhance security measures against attack from other things e.g. AI is part of the ‘solution’ (or used to improve and enhance more conventional countermeasures).
4. Societal security and safety aspects of the use and application of AI.

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