ETSI’s Activities in Artificial Intelligence: Read our New White Paper
Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 4682 HitsETSI’s Activities in Artificial Intelligence: Read our New White Paper
Sophia Antipolis, 21 December 2022
ETSI has a long history of developing standards in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and systems that use and support AI. Today ETSI is pleased to release a new White Paper developed by a variety of members and experts. They include companies from telecom and network communication sectors, from large and small and medium enterprises, based either in Europe, Asia or America.
This White Paper entitled ETSI Activities in the field of Artificial Intelligence supports all stakeholders and summarizes ongoing effort in ETSI and planned future activities. It also includes an analysis on how ETSI deliverables may support current policy initiatives in the field of artificial intelligence. A section of the document outlines ETSI activities of relevance to address Societal Challenges in AI while another addresses the involvement of the European Research Community.