ETSI Open Source MANO unveils Release SEVEN, enables more than 20,000 cloud-native applications for NFV environments

Sophia Antipolis, 12 December 2019

Today, the ETSI Open Source MANO group is pleased to unveil its latest release, OSM Release SEVEN. This release brings cloud-native applications to NFV deployments, enabling OSM to on-board over 20,000 pre-existing production-ready Kubernetes applications, with no need of any translation or repackaging. OSM release SEVEN allows you to combine within the same Network Service the flexibility of cloud-native applications with the predictability of traditional virtual and physical network functions (VNFs and PNFs) and all the required advanced networking required to build complex end to end telecom services.

SIM card representation

ETSI standardizes new Secure Platform to address IoT, 5G, and security sensitive sectors

Sophia Antipolis, 18 November 2019

Trust and privacy together with cost and flexibility are key to security solutions for many applications in today’s digital world. To address this challenge, ETSI Technical Committee Smart Card Platform, who standardized the former generations of SIM cards, has been working on a brand-new security platform called Smart Secure Platform (SSP). The ETSI committee is pleased to unveil the first three technical specifications to launch this new security platform.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 13960 Hits
Cars on roads with circles

First ETSI C-V2X interoperability event tests ETSI ITS and 3GPP standards

Registration now open!

Sophia Antipolis, 8 November 2019

ETSI, with experts from its Center for Testing and Interoperability, in partnership with the 5GAA, is organizing the first C‑V2X PlugtestsTM event.

Hosted by DEKRA in its Connected Vehicle Test Development Centre in Malaga from 2-6 December 2019, the event will enable vendors to run interoperability test sessions to assess the level of interoperability of their implementations and validate their understanding of the standards. Interoperability testing checks that devices built to the same standards can work together and provide the functionalities specified in the standards.

Icons around wheel and Automation written inside

ETSI introduces a new end-to-end architectural framework for network and service automation

that can span multiple standards and open source based domain-specific network automation projects

Sophia Antipolis, 24 October 2019

ETSI is pleased to announce two major specifications released by the ETSI Zero-touch network and Service Management (ZSM) Industry Specification Group. ETSI GS ZSM 001 describes ZSM Requirements and ETSI GS ZSM 002 defines the ZSM Reference Architecture. The glossary of terms and concepts related to ZSM is provided in ETSI GS ZSM 007 that was published along with these specifications.

Superman robot pointing with finger in sky

ETSI publishes a white paper on Network Transformation - Building on key technologies for 5G

SDN NFV World Congress, The Hague, 14 October 2019

ETSI is proud to announce the availability of a new white paper, entitled Network Transformation: Orchestration, Network and Service Management Framework, written by several of its Industry Specification Groups’ (ISG) Chairs. These groups have released specifications on key building block technologies for next-generation networks, feeding the 3GPP 5G specifications.