Sophia Antipolis, 23 March 2023

Autonomous Networks (AN) are considered one of the most important evolutions to enable Digital Transformation, offering new service opportunities and significant cost saving in network operation. It is one of the most attractive environments where to leverage Artificial Intelligence in the Network and activities around Autonomous Networks have gained momentum in Standards and ICT Industry.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2679 Hits

The implementation of Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Open Optical & Packet Transport (OOPT) Mandatory Use Case Requirements for SDN for Transport (MUST) in ETSI TeraFlowSDN cloud native SDN Controller will make it possible to accelerate network innovation in packet-optical networks.

Sophia Antipolis, 22 February 2023

The ETSI TeraFlowSDN community has announced their commitment to the implementation of TIP’s Mandatory Use Case Requirements for SDN for Transport (MUST) Requirements in their innovative cloud native SDN Controller. This will position TeraFlowSDN as a reference implementation in the Telecom Infra Project Open Optical & Packet Transport group (TIP OOPT). This move will also make it possible to accelerate the adoption of SDN standards for IP/MPLS, Optical and Microwave transport technologies, which is one of the main objectives of MUST.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2991 Hits

Leading to more effective and fruitful cross organization collaboration

Sophia Antipolis, 14 February 2023

In the last three months, ETSI ISG MEC has released its final Phase 2 specification (GS MEC 015, on Traffic Management APIs) and made significant progress on Phase 3 with the release of a number of important specifications, including the MEC Federation Enablement APIs (GS MEC 040): in particular, this specification is critical for supporting the requirements received from GSMA OPG (Operator Platform Group) to enable inter-MEC system communication and allow 5G operators to collaborate among themselves, with service cloud providers and with other stakeholders. 

Sophia Antipolis, 2 February 2023

ETSI, the organization for globally applicable standards for information and communication technology (ICT), has adopted a new instrument, Software Development Groups (SDGs). This game-changing move will help ETSI adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of technology and standards development. Developing software to accompany standards will accelerate the standardization process, providing faster feedback loops and improving the quality of standards.