Page 3 - ETSI-Brand-Book-2018
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Introduction                       03

               ETSI has been at the forefront of ICT standardization since 1988.

               Now, with more sectors of industry and society reliant on ICT,

               the open, inclusive environment we off er members is more

               important than ever.

                     Recognized, respected and trusted worldwide, the ETSI brand is synonymous
                     with technical profi ciency, innovation and collaboration. At the heart of the
                     brand are the organizations that comprise the ETSI membership and

                     the staff   of the ETSI Secretariat that support them. Members and staff
                     are ‘brand ambassadors’, representing ETSI with a single voice
                     and promoting the many positive brand attributes.

                     We have created the ETSI Brand Book as a single point of reference for all the
                     tools you need to be an eff ective brand ambassador, including mission, vision

                     and brand ‘personality’, tone of voice, a new boilerplate and ‘elevator pitch’,
                     a refreshed version of the clusters, and the latest ETSI tagline.

                     We hope you fi nd this information useful and would like to thank you for the vital
                     role you play in ensuring ETSI remains the preferred choice for organizations
                     seeking to understand, shape and collaborate on globally applicable

                     ICT standards.
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