
ETSI releases Mitigation Strategy Report on Securing Artificial Intelligence

Sophia Antipolis, 18 May 2021

ETSI has recently released ETSI GR SAI 005, a report which summarizes and analyses existing and potential mitigation against threats for AI-based systems. Setting a baseline for a common understanding of relevant AI cyber security threats and mitigations will be key for widespread deployment and acceptance of AI systems and applications. This report sheds light on the available methods for securing AI-based systems by mitigating known or potential security threats identified in the recent ENISA threat landscape publication and ETSI GR SAI 004 Problem Statement Report. It also addresses security capabilities, challenges, and limitations when adopting mitigation for AI-based systems in certain potential use cases.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 7069 Hits

ETSI releases a white paper on future ICT technology trends

Sophia Antipolis, 10 May 2021

“Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an exciting and dynamic area, that is in constant innovation, through the evolution of existing concepts and technologies but also through the emergence of disruptive technologies and even sometimes unexpected new use cases”.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10463 Hits

ETSI Non-IP Networks releases first Reports

Sophia Antipolis, 6 April 2021

The ETSI Non-IP Networking group (ISG NIN) has just released its first three Group Reports. The first one, ETSI GR NIN 001, details the shortcomings of TCP/IP for fixed and mobile networks; the second Report, ETSI GR NIN 002, considers testing Non-IP Networking over 5G cellular Radio Access Networks; and ETSI GR NIN 003 describes the networking model that is the foundation for the new technology.


‘Designing tomorrow’s world’: ETSI introduces its new strategy in line with its ambitious vision

Sophia Antipolis, 5 May 2021

Today ETSI is pleased to introduce its new strategy, the result of an intensive development process over the last months, validated at the ETSI General Assembly in December 2020.

Titled ‘Designing tomorrow’s world’, the strategy builds on a recognition of the global importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for a sustainable development and to support the digital transformation of society.


ETSI enables intercontinental testing for next-generation emergency communications

Sophia Antipolis, 23 March 2021

ETSI has successfully completed its international emergency communications interoperability testing event. 285 test pairings, with 87% demonstrating interoperability, were run from 22 February to 5 March 2021, both in Europe and across the Atlantic to assess the compatibility of products for mission-critical public safety services. This remote event was a cooperation between ETSI, EENA, the European Emergency Number Association and for the first time NENA, the 9-1-1 Association.