ETSI launches new White Paper titled Fibre Development Index: Driving Towards an F5G Gigabit Society
Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2814 HitsETSI launches new White Paper titled Fibre Development Index: Driving Towards an F5G Gigabit Society
Sophia Antipolis, 19 August 2021
Fibre and fibre-based optical networks are the key technical enablers of our society's twin transitions (green and digital), providing sustainable and cost-effective communication with high bandwidth, stability, reliability, and improved latency. In addition, the fibre evolution enables sustainable economic growth through advanced services and applications for users, businesses, and industries.
The new ETSI White Paper explains the methodology used to define a fibre development index, provides migration path recommendations to countries with different fibre development, and highlights the importance of setting policies to underpin that twin (green and digital) transformation.