Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 11820 Hits
White alien writing AI on green grass

ETSI's Securing Artificial Intelligence group appoints Chair and Vice Chairs

Sophia Antipolis, 27 January 2020

ETSI's new Industry Specification Group on Securing Artificial Intelligence (ISG SAI) met last week for its second meeting and appointed Alex Leadbeater (BT) as its Chair. Dr Kate Reed (NCSC) was appointed as First Vice Chair and Tieyan Li (Huawei) was appointed as Second Vice Chair. This second meeting, after the launch of the group last October, was also the place to discuss work priorities.

Emergency with rescuers running to a helicopter ready to start on the left and a city with accident and Advanced Mobile Location written and location icon

ETSI issues two major standards for emergency calls: Next Generation 112 and Advanced Mobile Location

Sophia Antipolis, 20 January 2020

ETSI’s Emergency Communication Special Committee has recently released two major specifications, ETSI TS 103 479, for NG112, the next generation of European emergency services and ETSI TS 103 625, for the specific Advanced Mobile Location function. AML is already implemented in 22 countries worldwide following the publication of the first ETSI technical report TR 103 393.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 16540 Hits
Quantum computer net system, abstract design, colourful on black background

ETSI Multi-access Edge Computing builds on NFV and network slicing

Sophia Antipolis, 15 January 2020

The ETSI Multi-access Edge Computing Industry Specification Group is pleased to announce the release of two major reports as part of its Phase 2 work. The report ETSI GR MEC 027 studies the impact of alternative virtualization technologies. The second report, ETSI GR MEC 024, examines network slicing on edge computing systems.