Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 14011 Hits
White letters 0 and 1 and Network Functions Virtualization written in red

ETSI NFV Release 4 empowers orchestration and cloud enabled deployments

Offers increased support for automation

Sophia Antipolis, 8 October 2019

The ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG) for Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) has started working on its next specification release, known as Release 4. While NFV-based deployments are expanding worldwide and show the benefits of network function virtualization, new technologies are expected to be leveraged and features are being added in support of 5G and novel fixed access network deployments that are emerging in many countries. The release 4 work programme will provide the right setting to further enhance the NFV framework by considering recent technological advances, as well as ways to simplify its usage, that are aligned with the current trends in the industry towards network transformation.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 15316 Hits
White alien writing AI on green grass

ETSI launches specification group on Securing Artificial Intelligence

Sophia Antipolis, 2 October 2019

ETSI is pleased to announce the creation of a new Industry Specification Group on Securing Artificial Intelligence (ISG SAI). The group will develop technical specifications to mitigate threats arising from the deployment of AI throughout multiple ICT-related industries. This includes threats to artificial intelligence systems from both conventional sources and other AIs.

Graphic representing 5G & 5G MEC - Central Office, Data path w/ MEC, Park apps deployed locally, Data path via 5G MEC, Park Room

Developers at MEC Hackathons endorsed by ETSI challenged to trial edge computing for 5G in UK and China

Sophia Antipolis, 27 September 2019

The successful second edition of the MEC Hackathons endorsed by ETSI recently ended in two different parts of the world simultaneously on 17-18 September in London (UK) and Shenzhen (China).