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Decoration with NFV and gear icons including applications like cloud, PC, globe, radio waves etc.

ETSI NFV announces new features to its architecture to support 5G

Sophia Antipolis, 1 July 2019

ETSI NFV has enhanced the system as well as designed new features to support 5G networks. Specifically, 5G resource management and orchestration aspects were added on top of the NFV Release 2 architecture framework.

Chart showing oneM2M base ontology mentioning SAREF, Energy, Health, Transport, Building, Domain X, Agriculture and Environment

ETSI releases 3 new ontology specifications for Smart Cities, Industry 4.0 and Smart Agriculture

Sophia Antipolis, 24 June 2019

Following the first three SAREF (Smart Applications REFerence ontology) specifications for energy, environment and buildings, the ETSI SmartM2M Technical Committee has just released three new specifications for smart cities, industry and manufacturing, and smart agriculture and food chain domains.

Photo of Luis Jorge Romero and Rajan S Mathews showing the signed MoU

COAI and ETSI sign MoU to foster a closer co-operation on Telecom Standardization

New Delhi & Sophia Antipolis, 13 May 2019

Acknowledging the role of standards, especially in the context of emerging technologies and technologies of the future and the need to collaborate and work in partnership with different types of organizations around the world, COAI, the apex industry association representing leading Telecom, Internet, Technology and Digital Services companies and ETSI, a leading standardization organization for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) standards fulfilling European and global market needs announced to come together once again to work and collaborate on areas of mutual interest.