Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2407 Hits

ETSI Mission Critical testing event reports a 96% success rate

Sophia Antipolis, 16 December 2022

The capabilities of Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT), Mission Critical Data (MCData) and Mission Critical Video (MCVideo) – together abbreviated as MCX services – were tested during the seventh MCX Plugtests™ from 07 November to 11 November 2022 at the University of Malaga (UMA). The MCX ETSI Plugtests series is the first independent testing of public safety and other mission critical services over LTE and 5G networks.


ETSI OSM launches Release THIRTEEN with a new scalable architecture for massive closed-loop operations

Sophia Antipolis, 15 December 2022

The ETSI Open Source MANO community is proud to announce OSM Release THIRTEEN, meeting the already established cadence of two releases per year, alternating between Long Term Support (LTS) releases such as Release TWELVE (2 years’ support) and Standard releases (6 months support).

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 8168 Hits
Press Release

ETSI launches a new group on Terahertz, a candidate technology for 6G

Sophia Antipolis, 12 December 2022

On 8 December the newly launched ETSI Industry Specification Group on Terahertz (ISG THz) held its kick-off meeting and decided on work priorities for this candidate technology for 6G.

“ISG THz provides an opportunity for ETSI members to coordinate their pre-standards research efforts on THz technology across various European collaborative projects, extended with relevant global initiatives, a move towards paving the way for future standardization of the technology,” outlines Thomas Kürner, Chair of ISG THz.


ETSI TeraFlowSDN Wins Layer123 Network Transformation ‘Upstart of the Year’ Award

Sophia Antipolis, 7 December 2022

The ETSI TeraFlowSDN group (ETSI TFS), launched only six months ago, has won the ‘Upstart of the Year’ award at the Layer123 Network Transformation Awards ceremony, held at the prestigious Berkley Hotel in Knightsbridge, London, last night. This award also recognizes the ETSI strategy to provide new software development tools and practices to an evolving standardization ecosystem.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2887 Hits

ETSI General Assembly elects new Chair and Vice Chair

Sophia Antipolis, 1 December 2022

On 29 and 30 November, ETSI held its 80th General Assembly in Sophia-Antipolis, France. The agenda included the election of a new Chair and two Vice Chairs. The evening dinner, held at the prestigious Negresco hotel in Nice on the first night of the assembly, saw the celebration of the ETSI Fellowship Award Ceremony, honouring Members for their outstanding contributions to the Institute.

Press Release

New ETSI Telemetry Standard Improves Automation for better End-User Quality of Experience

Sophia Antipolis, 28 November 2022

As the scale and services offered through the Optical Access Networks increase, it is crucial to maintain network good operation and performance. To achieve this, the Optical Access Network monitoring can be improved when compared to existing traditional methods via automated real-time data collection. Telemetry enables this and transmits data from the optical line terminal (OLT) - i.e., the device at the endpoint of a passive optical network - in real-time to provide information to the data collection platform.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3052 Hits

ETSI workshop: improving Quality of Emerging Services for Speech and Audio

Sophia Antipolis, 23 November 2022

The ETSI STQ (Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality) Workshop that took place on 21-22 November 2022 in Bratislava (Slovakia) was hosted by Amazon. It focused on a user-centred perspective of the Quality of Emerging Services for Speech and Audio.

The event was attended by organizations providing a rich mix of inputs and perspectives from industry, regulators, and academia. Through presentations, discussions and professional networking, this STQ Workshop demonstrated a very high level of engagement by all participants, with stimulating interaction among all speakers and the audience.

Press Release

ETSI Secures Critical Infrastructures against Cyber Quantum Attacks with new TETRA Algorithms

Sophia Antipolis, 8 November 2022

With the world facing growing challenges including the war in Europe and a global energy crisis, it is essential that the mission- and business-critical communications networks used by the public safety, critical infrastructure and utilities sectors (including transportation, electricity, natural gas and water plants) are secured against third-party attacks, to protect communications and sensitive data. With more than 120 countries using dedicated TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) networks for these critical services, work has been undertaken to ensure the ETSI TETRA technology standard remains robust in the face of evolving threats.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2338 Hits

ETSI signs MoU with the OpenID Foundation

Sophia Antipolis, 25 October 2022

ETSI and the OpenID Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 12 September to contribute to the establishment of a global information infrastructure.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3831 Hits

ETSI signs MoU with the French organization for railway standardization

Sophia Antipolis, 24 October 2022

ETSI and the Bureau de normalisation ferroviaire (BNF), the French organization for railway standardization, have just signed a Memorandum of Understanding to structure and strengthen their relationship.