Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 31425 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 4 October 2016

Delivering superior interoperability, modelling and installation experience

ETSI’s Open Source MANO (OSM) group has today announced the availability of its OSM Release ONE, an open source Management and Orchestration (MANO) software stack closely aligned with ETSI NFV, and focused on helping industry accelerate the implementation of network virtualization.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 20518 Hits

IoT ecosystem expands significantly with new global standards from oneM2M

Sophia Antipolis, 29 September 2016

The full potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) advanced significantly today as oneM2M, the global standards initiative for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications and the IoT, published a new landmark set of specifications, Release 2.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 18051 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 27 September 2016

ETSI welcomes the recognition by the White House of our participation in an international group developing a Smart City Framework. The announcement comes on the opening of the Smart Cities Week event in Washington D.C.


Sophia Antipolis, 27 September 2016

NFV Architectural Framework gains further traction as greater breadth of key parameters are determined

ETSI has today announced the availability of the NFV Release 2 specifications, delivering requirements, interfaces and information models for Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV).

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 13827 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 8 September 2016

The 4th ETSI/IQC Workshop will take place in Toronto, Canada, from 19 to 21 September 2016. The event is organized by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and the Institute for Quantum Computing and sponsored by ISARA and Evolutionq.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 14647 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 7 September 2016

Don’t miss out on the early bird rate: book before 15 September

ETSI’s User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) 2016, now in its fourth year, is an annual, international conference dedicated to application aspects of automated testing including model-based, cloud and mobile testing, test methodologies and management and standardized test specification by focusing on the practical challenges that industry often faces.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 18748 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 6 September 2016

Over 20 countries worldwide benefit from HbbTV services

The newly published ETSI specification TS 102 796 V1.4.1 on hybrid broadcast broadband TV (HbbTV) will allow the United Kingdom and Italy to implement the latest technologies in their receivers.

Posted by Claire Boyer 17155 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 25 August 2016

Major standards organizations from around the world agree to work together to help move cities faster to greater smartness

In the wake of the World Smart City Forum, which was held on 13 July 2016 in Singapore, representatives of IEC, ISO, ITU, IEEE, CEN-CENELEC and ETSI gathered for a meeting initiated by the IEC. This, meeting was a global first and part of an ongoing dialog among standards organizations.  The aim was to accelerate and better align Smart City standardization work, which is essential for successful Smart City deployment. Between 60% and 70% of humanity is expected to be living in urban environments by 2050.