Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 24653 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 9 November 2017

The US based VR/AR Association signs Letter of Intent with ETSI

ETSI is pleased to announce that the Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Association (VRARA) has recently signed a Letter of Intent to collaborate on interactive VR and AR technologies delivered over emerging 5G networks and hosted on Multi-access Edge Computing sites.

Posted by Claire Boyer 28497 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 2 November 2017

Cities to procure interoperable smart solutions for their citizens

ETSI is pleased to announce the creation of a new Industry Specification Group "City Digital Profile" (ISG CDP) that will help accelerate the delivery of integrated citizen services and provide a technology road map for city leaders who will benefit from standardized solutions from their suppliers.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 29450 Hits

ETSI publishes cybersecurity advice on the NIS Directive

Sophia Antipolis, 24 October 2017

Today, ETSI announces the publication of ETSI TR 103 456, a technical report released by ETSI’s technical committee on Cybersecurity (TC CYBER).


Sophia Antipolis, 3 October 2017

The ETSI NFV Industry Specification Group (ETSI NFV ISG) has taken further steps towards establishing a ubiquitous platform upon which the global adoption of network functions virtualization (NFV) technology can be driven thanks to the completion of a series of key specifications.


Sophia Antipolis, 2 October 2017

The 21st meeting of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC), a high-level gathering of the world’s leading information and communication technologies (ICT) standards organizations, took place from 26-27 September 2017, hosted by the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) at the IEEE European office in Vienna, Austria.