ETSI OpenSlice announces Release 4

Sophia Antipolis, France, 31 January 2025

ETSI announces the second Release of the open-source software platform developed by the Software Development Group OpenSlice. This Release continues to drive the evolution of Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) solutions, offering service providers and consumers a powerful framework for orchestrating and managing end-to-end (E2E) network services across private and public clouds.

Additionally, OpenSlice 2024Q4 builds on its comprehensive, service-based Operations Support System (OSS) capabilities to meet the evolving demands of the telecom industry. It extends developments beyond NaaS to embrace Telco Cloud scenarios, incorporating support for CAMARA and TMF Operate APIs. These enhancements enable the capability exposure essential for a contemporary Operator Platform.

ETSI OpenCAPIF launches Release Two

Sophia Antipolis, France, 23 January 2025

ETSI SDG OpenCAPIF, the Software Development Group developing an open-source implementation of the Common API Framework (CAPIF) defined by 3GPP, has just launched their Release 2.0.0. This version has been upgraded to support CAPIF Release 18 Technical Specifications from 3GPP and the associated YAML templates available in the 3GPP Forge.

This new Release also introduces significant updates, enhancements, and new features aimed at providing a more robust, secure, and efficient API management platform.