Mobile and Broadcast converge in new ETSI specification group
Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 18793 HitsSophia Antipolis, 31 May 2016
ETSI has unveiled a new Industry Specification Group, the Mobile and Broadcast Convergence (MBC) ISG.
Sophia Antipolis, 31 May 2016
ETSI has unveiled a new Industry Specification Group, the Mobile and Broadcast Convergence (MBC) ISG.
Sophia Antipolis, 26 May 2016
Community grows to 30 members
ETSI’s Open Source MANO (OSM) initiative has today announced the availability of its Release 0 code package, a month ahead of schedule.
Sophia Antipolis, 12 May 2016
This week ETSI focused on moving “From Research to Standardization”, with a workshop bringing together research and standardization stakeholders in the context of the European Union’s H2020 research programme.
Sophia Antipolis, 12 May 2016
On 19 April 2016 during the 67th General Assembly dinner, ETSI awarded the first of its newly-launched ETSI Fellowship awards to Karsten Meinhold, Julian Pritchard and Karl Heinz Rosenbrock.
Sophia Antipolis, 29 April 2016
ETSI's 5G summit, "from Myth to Reality", held last week at ETSI, attracted nearly 250 attendees. The summit focused on three key drivers for future 5G networks: massive mobile broadband, massive machine-type communication and ultra‐reliable and low latency communication. The summit was composed of four sessions of presentations, posters and panel discussions with speakers from across industry sectors.
Sophia Antipolis, 28 April 2016
The Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, Security and Privacy and the Role of Small and Medium-sized Business Enterprises (SMEs) were the focus of the 20th meeting of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC), hosted by TSDSI in New Delhi, India 26-27 April 2016. These topics were chosen due to their significance for the development of future global communications. Approximately one hundred people from the twelve member organizations participated in the event.
Sophia Antipolis, 21 April 2016
ETSI signs Publicly Available Specifications agreement with HGI
ETSI and HGI are pleased to jointly announce that they have signed a Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) agreement during ETSI’s 67th General Assembly, on 19 April.
Sophia Antipolis, 19 April 2016
ETSI welcomes and broadly supports the Communication released today by the European Commission on Digitising European Industry, and the accompanying documents, in particular the ICT Standardization Priorities for the Digital Single Market.
Sophia Antipolis, 19 April 2016
During its 67th General Assembly on 19 April 2016, ETSI signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Eurosmart. This agreement will enrich the ecosystem of security-related issues in ETSI and help to ensure the security robustness of next generation (5G) telecommunications networks.
Sophia Antipolis, 18 April 2016
ETSI Mobile Edge Computing Industry Specification Group (MEC ISG) has just released three foundation-level Group Specifications which define mobile edge computing terminology, study technical requirements and use cases, and specify the framework and reference architecture of MEC.