There are two paths to get involved in ETSI's ZSM Industry Specification Group: as an ETSI member, or as a direct participant.

Check first if your organization is already a member or participant, by consulting the list of ZSM ISG Members and Participants.

Get involved as an ETSI member

ETSI members already have access to ZSM ISG documents on the ETSI Portal. To take part in ZSM meetings and join the ZSM e-mail list, ETSI members need to sign the ZSM ISG Membership Agreement. In doing this, they agree to the NFV ISG's operating rules which in some cases, such as voting rights, are different from those in ETSI's Technical Working Procedures.

Get involved as an ZSM ISG Participant

Organizations who are not members of ETSI may still participate in the NFV ISG, attend meetings, subscribe to the e-mail lists and help build the specifications by making technical contributions. They do not have voting rights and must pay a participation fee of €100 per person per meeting day to attend NFV meetings. To get involved as a Participant, please sign the ZSM ISG Participant Agreement. In signing this agreement, organizations agree to be bound by the ETSI IPR Policy.

For any help please don't hesitate to contact the ZSM ISG support team.

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