
Our Specialist Task Forces

Our groups sometimes need to accelerate the production of standards in strategic areas, when their development requires specific technical competences, and/or if the time scale cannot be achieved through the normal voluntary contribution of the delegates. To address this need, ETSI has created Specialist Task Forces (STFs). They can be proposed by ETSI members, through the committee they report to, or requested by the European Commission (EC) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), which are also funding organizations.

STF members are recruited through an open Call for Expertise, which is being sent to all ETSI members and available on our website. Applications may come from an ETSI member or an external organization, but need to be supported by an ETSI member. Once selected, the service providers enter into an agreement with ETSI and their remuneration is based upon the timely and qualitative achievement of milestones. The specification drafts they produce go through the normal approval process of their committee.

Join a Specialist Task Force

Non-ETSI Members are entitled to answer those Calls for Expertise, with the support of an ETSI Member (including Observers and Associate members). In this case, the proposal must be submitted by the Official Contact of the ETSI Member.

See the open calls for a Specialist Task Force.

Our Testing Task Forces

Testing Task Forces (TTFs) are teams established to support the ETSI Technical Organization and Industry Specification Groups (ISGs), to accelerate the production of testing and methodology standards.

TTFs give ETSI a competitive advantage by making readily available the technical competence to quickly develop testing and methodology standards needed by the market.

TTFs are established and managed by the ETSI Secretariat under the authority of the Director-General, based on a technical roadmap and multi-annual plan developed and maintained by ETSI’s Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI), in consultation with the ETSI Board and the Operational Co-ordination Group (OCG).

Join a Testing Task Force

Any legally registered organization can apply for this Call for Expertise.

See the open calls for a Testing Task Force.

Our Task Forces

Any legally registered organization can apply for this Call for Expertise.

Join a Task Force

There is currently no open call to join a Task Force.

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