How to contribute to Standardization
ETSI has a substantial number of technical groups working on many technical specifications. Knowing where to start can be a little daunting. A good place to start is this overview:
ETSI Research Info Mailing list

This list has been designed specifically for all ETSI members and non-members (who work closely with ETSI) in the domain on research, innovation and education.
It's a tool to share new initiatives and events relating to research and innovation topics to this very specific community.
If you wish to join the list please send a request to and we will make things happen.
In addition, as this is an information sharing list – you will also be able to share your own ideas and news to the ETSI research community.Annual Report & Work Programme
Industry Specification Groups (ISGs)
ETSI ISGs are open to both ETSI members and non-members.
ISGs are the perfect ETSI tool for developing ‘early’ standardization work resulting from the output of research projects. This tool has been used for many successful standards efforts on such technologies as mWT, NFV, Edge, Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR/XR, Quantum Safe, Quantum Key and many more.
An ISG may be established on the initiative of any group of, at least four (4), Full or Associate members (or applicant members) making a request to the ETSI Director-General. The streamlined ISG process can enable a group to be set up quickly (4 weeks) and deliverables may be published in only a matter of months making it the ideal mechanism for early stage standardization.
Help in getting involved
Should you wish to get involved in our standards work, bring new areas of work to ETSI or simply find out more about ETSI's activities in Research & Innovation, simply check our Research FAQs or send an email to