
ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 17 January 2012

Major Standards Development Organizations (the "SDOs"*) -- ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TIA, TTA, and TTC -- recognize that M2M services often rely upon communications networks for connectivity between the myriad of devices in the field and the M2M application servers, and have identified the need for a common cost-efficient, easily and widely available M2M Service Layer, which can be readily embedded within various hardware and software. As a result, the SDOs, meeting over the course of the past several months, have also identified the need for a cooperative M2M community standards activity, and have agreed to jointly address the challenge of common standardized solutions. The SDOs have taken initial steps to form a global initiative for M2M Standardization.


Brussels – 5 December 2011

The proposal for HORIZON 2020, adopted on 30 November 2011 by the European Commission, recognizes the role of standardization in supporting the market take-up of innovation. The European Standards Organizations are fully committed to play a key role in HORIZON 2020, hence contributing to the objectives of the Innovation Union.

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ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 2 December 2011

ETSI Technical Committee TC TETRA has released a new version of the TETRA standard which incorporates the next development step in the TETRA Enhanced Data Service, TEDS.  This development is known as Direct Access and is specified in ETSI TS 100 392 2.

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ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 2 December 2011

ETSI Members have appointed Mr. Jonas Sundborg of Ericsson as the chair of the new ETSI Board, elected at the 58th ETSI General Assembly in Cannes.


ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 21 November 2011

ETSI's TC EE develops a standardized method for the cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment of the environmental impact of ICT equipment and services, providing an industry-agreed method to evaluate green-house gas emissions.

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ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 10 November 2011

Leading M2M firms demonstrate interoperability of standards at ETSI Machine to Machine workshop in France.

ETSI successfully demonstrated the interoperability of products based on its new M2M standards at the recent ETSI Machine to Machine workshop held in France in October.

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ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 27 October 2011

ETSI's 2nd workshop on Machine to Machine (M2M) communications, held in Sophia Antipolis, France on the 26th and 27th of October, gathered leading experts from all over the world to hear how ETSI M2M technology standards are being deployed.

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ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 25 October 2011

ETSI publishes a Technical Specification on a standardized measurement method for energy efficiency of wireless access network equipment, helping mobile network operators improve the energy efficiency of their networks.