Webinar slide with ETSI logo and image of globe

ETSI launches new webinars on AI, Non IP Networking, Augmented Reality, and more to come

Sophia Antipolis, 22 April 2020

In this unprecedented situation where face-to-face meetings are being postponed or cancelled, ETSI has increased the number of its webinars on the ETSI BrightTalk channel, which now comprises more than 10,000 subscribers.


Artificial Intelligence for networks: understanding it through ETSI ENI use cases and architecture

Sophia Antipolis, 20 April 2020

On 17 April, ETSI officials from the Experiential Network Intelligence group (ISG ENI) gave a webinar entitled Artificial Intelligence for networks: understanding it through ETSI ENI use cases. This webinar attracted more than 150 online attendees including operators, vendors, research institutions, and international standards development organizations.

Text: Digital evidence with man pushing icons like lock, red security guard, clouds on screen
Press Release

ETSI releases standard for cyber digital evidence bag to confirm integrity of data in legal proceedings

Sophia Antipolis, 21 April 2020

The ETSI Technical Committee CYBER has recently released a key standard for digital evidence bag (DEB). ETSI TS 103 643 covers “techniques for assurance of digital material used in legal proceedings” and provides a set of extra tools for those wanting to demonstrate the integrity of digital evidence.

24/7 support, man touching screen with @, envelope and telephone

Confinement: how ETSI helps its members and staff to work remotely round the world

Sophia Antipolis, 15 April 2020

With over 200 e-Meetings organized by ETSI and 3GPP technical groups in March (with up to 300 participants per meeting!) and with the entire ETSI staff now working remotely, the ETSI IT department has stepped up to ensure that all core standardization activities can continue to run smoothly during the COVID-19 lockdown. Even if the situation we are in is exceptional, e-Meetings are not new to ETSI groups. The ETSI IT department has been able to lean on their established business continuity plan to adapt and up-scale our online services, in these unusual times.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10073 Hits
3 Fellows

ETSI unveils 2020 Fellows rewarding outstanding personal contribution

Sophia Antipolis, 7 April 2020

ETSI is pleased to unveil its 2020 ETSI Fellows. The Award committee composed of the GA Chair and Vice-Chairmen, the Board Chair and the ETSI Director-General, nominated Brian Copsey, Kiritkumar P. Lathia, and Edgard Vangeel as ETSI fellows for their outstanding personal contribution to ETSI.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 23138 Hits
Press Release

ETSI launches new group on Non-IP Networking addressing 5G new services

Sophia Antipolis, 7 April 2020

ETSI is pleased to announce the creation of a new Industry Specification Group addressing Non-IP Networking (ISG NIN). The kick-off-meeting took place on 25 March and John Grant, BSI, was elected as the ISG Chair, and Kevin Smith, Vodafone, was elected as ISG Vice Chair.

With the increasing challenges placed on modern networks to support new use cases and greater connectivity, Service Providers are looking for candidate technologies that may serve their needs better than the TCP/IP-based networking used in current systems.

ISG NIN intends to develop standards that define technologies to make more efficient use of capacity, have security by design, and provide lower latency for live media.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 8813 Hits
Hand holding globe with light bulb & service icons

How and why SMEs get involved in ETSI

Sophia Antipolis, 2 April 2020

Within ETSI, small and medium enterprises account for more than 25% of our membership, they represent 35 nationalities and over 50% of them hold official positions in our technical groups.

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Press Release

ETSI Multi-access Edge Computing group reaches 100 members confirming attractiveness of the group

Sophia Antipolis, 31 March 2020

Strategy Analytics believes that 59% of all IoT deployments will be processing data using edge computing of some form by 2025. Furthermore, a survey from ResearchAndMarkets predicts that mobile edge computing as a service market will reach $73M by 2024, driven by enterprise hosted deployments. No wonder that ISG MEC - one of ETSI’s most dynamic Industry Specification Groups - keeps growing and has now welcomed its 100th member with Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe.

Hands with screen controlling machines
Press Release

ETSI unveils Augmented Reality Framework enabling multi-vendor ecosystem for industry and consumers

Sophia Antipolis, 24 March 2020

The ETSI Industry Specification Group on the Augmented Reality Framework (ISG ARF) unveils ETSI GS ARF 003, a key specification towards the interoperability of AR components. Today industrial and end users tend to frequently depend on a single provider to deploy AR applications and services. Compliance with the ETSI framework will allow components from different providers to interoperate via the defined interfaces, allowing broader and quicker adoption of AR technology. It will also take account of a growing and dynamic AR market.

PC and hand with cup of coffee
Press Release

ETSI OSM organizes its first fully remote Hackfest with a record number of participants

Sophia Antipolis, 16 March 2020

These are special times where many face-to-face meetings are being postponed or canceled. But when the going gets tough, the tough gets going and ETSI OSM opted for reorganizing its Hackfest, originally planned as a physical event in Madrid from 9 to 12 March 2020, as a fully remote event. What originally seemed a huge challenge due to the hands-on approach and the high level of interaction required in a Hackfest, proved possible in a record time thanks to the outstanding engagement of the OSM community and the means provided by ETSI, making this Hackfest one of the best attended ever. The 4 days of Hackfest were run in parallel with the OSM Mid-Release EIGHT meeting and the OSM Ecosystem Day, also held remotely.