Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 9633 Hits
Press Release

ETSI launches a new group on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Sophia Antipolis, 4 October 2021

Improving network performance with cost-effective, low-power and sustainable technology for future wireless systems

ETSI, which produces globally applicable standards for ICT, has launched a new Industry Specification Group on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (ISG RIS). The group has been created to review and establish global standardization for RIS technology.



Sophia Antipolis, 29 September 2021

Industrial data has become one of the top strategic priorities for European and international industry in the recent years. Well managed and duly exploited, industrial data bring a significant competitive edge to businesses and can greatly improve overall efficiency, be it by supporting core processes or by providing a new source of insights.

In this data-driven era, industrial data play an essential role in building the foundation of the next wave of digitization in Europe. For this reason, it is key to the success of a harmonized Single Market and European competitiveness in the global market, but also for the success of the twin transition (green and digital) at the heart of the EU policy agenda.

Press Release

ETSI launches first specification for the 5th Generation Fixed Network, F5G technology landscape

Sophia Antipolis, 23 September 2021

ETSI's 5th Generation Fixed Network group (F5G ISG) has just released its first specification, ETSI GS F5G 003, entitled F5G Technology Landscape. In this specification, the ISG studies the technical requirements, existing standards and gaps for 10 different new use cases, for home, enterprises or industrial needs.

ETSI GS F5G 003 use cases include PON (passive optical network) on-premises and passive optical LAN. In this case, a PON system could connect end devices (like HDTV, HD surveillance cameras and VR/AR helmets) and provide higher data rate, better coordination and controlled latency than current Ethernet and Wi-Fi mesh.


Listen to ETSI webinar: “IPv6 Enhanced Innovation: the IPv6-only Future in the 5G, IoT & Cloud Era"

Sophia Antipolis, 17 September 2021

ETSI has successfully held two webinars on ‘IPv6 Enhanced Innovation: the IPv6-Only Future in the 5G, IoT & Cloud Era’ on 13 September. They are available at the following locations:

Part 1:;

Part 2:

Ten experts from government institutions, operators, manufacturers and research institutes, shared their vision and the progress made to date within ETSI ISG (Industry Specification Group) IPE (IPv6 Enhanced innovation).

Press Release

ETSI releases specifications boosting trustful end-to-end network and service automation

Sophia Antipolis, 13 September 2021

ETSI is pleased to announce the release of three major specifications and reports developed by its Zero-touch network and Service Management (ZSM) group. ETSI GS ZSM 003, defines end-to-end network slicing management and orchestration architecture blueprint and solutions, and ETSI GS ZSM 009-1 specifies the enablers for closed-loop automation. The general security aspects related to the ZSM framework and solutions, and potential mitigation options are introduced in the ETSI GR ZSM 010.

Press Release

ETSI releases the first Group Report on Encrypted Traffic Integration, protecting end users from malicious attacks

Sophia Antipolis, 1 September 2021

ETSI’s Industry Specification Group on Encrypted Traffic Integration (ISG ETI) has concluded the early part of its work, by identifying problems arising from pervasive encrypted traffic in communications networks.


Draft of ETSI Coordinated vulnerability disclosure guide available for public comments

Sophia Antipolis, 24 August 2021

ETSI will soon release a Guide to Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure. Before publication, it made the draft publicly available for comments. Please send your feedback by 15 September to the technical committee CYBER at 

Press Release

ETSI launches new White Paper titled Fibre Development Index: Driving Towards an F5G Gigabit Society

Sophia Antipolis, 19 August 2021

Fibre and fibre-based optical networks are the key technical enablers of our society's twin transitions (green and digital), providing sustainable and cost-effective communication with high bandwidth, stability, reliability, and improved latency. In addition, the fibre evolution enables sustainable economic growth through advanced services and applications for users, businesses, and industries.

The new ETSI White Paper explains the methodology used to define a fibre development index, provides migration path recommendations to countries with different fibre development, and highlights the importance of setting policies to underpin that twin (green and digital) transformation.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 4257 Hits

Testing to the edge: join us at our virtual UCAAT 2021

Sophia Antipolis, 16 August 2021

The automation of test processes is proven to increase productivity and product quality. The global pandemic has increased the demands on various IT systems and services in terms of interoperability, scalability and adaptability, making test automation even more critical for the delivery of agile solutions in uncertain times.

To tackle these challenges, ETSI is organizing the 8th User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) as a virtual conference on 19-21 October.

Press Release

ETSI releases a Report to enable MEC deployment in a multi-operator’s environment

Sophia Antipolis, 20 July 2021

The ETSI MEC Industry Specification Group (ETSI ISG MEC) has just released a new Group Report ETSI GR MEC 0035 to enable inter-MEC system deployment and MEC-Cloud system coordination. This Report was motivated by the mobile network operators’ interest in forming federated MEC environments and enabling information exchange in a secure manner, in the event that MEC platforms or applications belong to different MEC systems.