What the Standards People are saying

Jean-Marc Coïc, Deputy CEO, Intersec
Through our platform, telecommunication companies and public authorities leverage mobile data and location intelligence for public safety purposes, such as emergency calls and public safety alerts. Contributing to a standardized ecosystem is critical to designing, developing, and deploying efficient mission-critical solutions, this is why we have joined the ETSI community.

Ms. Suno Wood, Association of users for life cycle resource management for information communication technology
Come and share our creative discussions on how AI creates new technical advantages in ehealth. Join us at ETSI as we evolve within the exciting world of standards and consider new moves to address societal problems.
Association of users for life cycle resource management for information communication technology

Lindsay Frost, Chief Standardisation Engineer, NEC Labs Europe
ETSI is really a global leader in transparent and collegial creation of innovative standards and I speak from personal experience in dozens of SDOs. Tiny SMEs, or user groups, or global conglomerates discuss eye-to-eye and all views can be included. You can see this in the new group on interoperability of Covid-Tracing (ISG E4P).
ETSI’s new website really helps in finding what you look for, whether it’s upcoming events or foundational specifications for free download. Like a well-sorted library.

Marika Vindbjerg, Senior Consultant, Dansk Standard
Danish Standard has the role as national administration and National Standard Organization member. We have felt welcome in the ETSI family from day one. From a warm smile in the reception to an open mindset in the ETSI Secretariat management. Your ideas get the best start in ETSI’s flat organization where it is not far from thought to action.
Danish Standard are ready to act as local ETSI ambassador to help anyone interested in getting involved in standardization.

Dr. Philip Makedonski, Senior Researcher, University of Goettingen | Vice-Chair ETSI TC MTS
At the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Goettingen, we are researching and teaching in the field of software engineering for distributed systems. We are excited to contribute to standardization with the testing languages TTCN-3 and TDL.
ETSI provides a versatile platform to interact with industry in mutually beneficial ways. We transfer the outcomes of our research to standardization and we apply the outcomes of standardization efforts in new research and teaching initiatives.
Our long standing collaboration with ETSI for more than 20 years has helped us establish long term partnerships with industry and other research institutions. From the further development and maintenance of mature technologies to innovative ideas improving the development and testing of software and hardware in practice, ETSI continues to provide a solid foundation for applied and basic research to flourish. We are excited about future collaborations related to the adoption of AI at ETSI.

Jo Dewaele, Enterprise Architect & Project Portfolio Manager, ASTRID
Getting involved in standardization demystifies the standardization process. Outsiders believe that ETSI staff create the standards by magic, but if you participate you learn that it is done by voluntary contributions from members and that as a participating member you can have a real impact on the standards.
If you want to have a new feature or service, by having it standardized you get the guarantee that you will have multi-vendor support and by having multi-vendor support you get competition and you have guarantees that the service or features will be available for longer.
If you participate in the standardization process you get to know the people involved and get more credibility in the standards community by becoming part of it and also in the outside world where the standards are used.
You have to invest quite a bit at the beginning because the system is quite complex and overwhelming, I was lucky that I worked with someone who had been active quite some time in standardization and he helped me a lot. So it is good to find someone who has some experience to help you find your way and to teach you.

Mike Brown, Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder, ISARA
At ISARA we view ETSI as being one of the preeminent standards groups around the world and we therefore needed to be part of this in order to help drive the conversation around Quantum Safe Cryptography and be exposed to other organisations which are involved in this space.
At ETSI the main benefit is access to the broader community that are setting the standards that are used around the world.
Since ISARA joined ETSI we have seen our visibility across the broader industry grow through a number of different areas, firstly we have had the opportunity to participate in standards meetings over the years, secondly by participating in events such as the ETSI IQC Workshop on Quantum Safe Cryptography. Thanks to ETSI we have been able to talk about Quantum Safe Cryptography across the global community at different events around the world.
When we became Members, we weren’t aware of all the different things going on, the different ETSI groups, whether within the Cyber security committees or within the other ETSI technical groups. We recommend exploring all the different areas in order to take advantage of everything available.

Professor Rahim Tafazolli, Regius Professor, Director of ICS/5GIC, The University of Surrey
The longstanding cooperation and membership of 5GIC in ETSI has proven to be highly valuable to our researchers and academics. The advantages of our ETSI membership include; Helping 5GIC to be aware of the relevant industry challenges that need solutions to be developed through innovative research. Informing us of the latest technology developments so we do not have to reinvent them again, saving a lot of time and resources by simply focusing on the unsolved issues.
ETSI also helps our researchers to work closely with industry from many companies and different sectors in carrying out impactful and relevant research.

Martin Arndt, Standardization Manager, DKE
Having been a National Standards Organization since the creation of ETSI we have always been involved in all the exciting standardization activities. Since the first set of European Norms prepared for making the Internal Market come true we have been enjoying short and lengthy discussions as well as easy and controversial topics, always getting to a happy end, which means consensus has been found!
As an ETSI Member we also happily contribute to the preparation of all types of deliverables, hence both our roles enable us to act as an interface to the ETSI Members headquartered in Germany.
That’s why we are proud of being #TheStandardsPeople!
Thomas Chatelet, Project Manager, European Union Agency for Railways
The European Union Agency for Railways aims at promoting a common approach to railway safety and enhancing the level of interoperability of railway systems in Europe. In its role as the system authority for the European Railway Traffic Management System, the Agency operates for the removal of technical barriers by devising an adequate technical and legal framework.
To ensure a coordinated development of the regulatory requirements (e.g. Technical Specifications for Interoperability) and of relevant European standards, the Agency is relying on the strong coordination with the European Standard Organizations, and specifically with ETSI for all Standards dealing with telecommunications, broadcasting and other electronic communications networks and services. The Agency is in particular following the Technical Committees on Railway Telecommunication, CYBER, and EMC and Radio Spectrum Matters to reflect in the European Union legislation the latest developments.
ETSI acts as a catalyst, attracting all interested parties in the discussion on the evolution of Information and Communication Technology for rail, and the Agency is very proud to be an active member since 2017 and to contribute to the standardization effort to make (amongst other things) the railway system work better for society.

Ted Laverty, VP Strategy & Standards, DTS Licensing (NI) Ltd
We have been participating in ETSI for over 17 years during which time our audio business has grown phenomenally. We have used ETSI publications as a foundation for the requirements of the other standards organizations that we participate in to build applications with other industry players.
ETSI has provided an easy to use repository containing the globally recognized set of publications which we have actively led and that our partners and customers can depend upon.
The global recognition of the ETSI standards in which our core surround sound audio technologies are specified is a key factor of our continued membership.
The ETSI publication and maintenance process is thorough, straight forward and transparent, leading to very high-quality output.
The ETSI community represents the top tier of the global players in our industry. Participation in ETSI allows us extensive networking opportunities and the ability to help shape the standards that affect our businesses.
Via ETSI, we are also able to participate in 3GPP and gain access to an even larger community of technology standardizers and obtain a broad view of evolving industry segments which adds value to our strategy and innovation teams.

Christophe Gossard, John Deere GmbH & Co. KG
When I came to ETSI for the first time, I knew that my company John Deere was entering a new domain for standards. It was quite impressive to review the work performed so far within this institute and the long track for deliverables going from the early steps of the 3G to the radio telecommunication standards. The processes and the support provided by ETSI are quite well rounded and this helps to focus on the added value that each member can provide.
But what pleased me the most was to see a place where communities from all over the world are willing to engage all together in the organization of technical expertise to deliver standards designed by the industry. Many challenges have to be addressed when it comes to the integration of existing standards from the agricultural sector and the merging of those from the telecommunication sector, but many bridges can be built for the interest of all stakeholders, and ETSI, I think is the good place to start with.

Prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Mesaqin.com s.r.o (Ltd.)
After more than 15 years in ETSI, I consider my colleagues from our working group (STQ) and from the ETSI secretariat as my good friends, if not family members, and Sophia Antipolis has become my second home. ETSI enabled our company to expand our network and share our experience with the leaders in the field.
ETSI meetings and workshops feature the discussions we want to be a part of and attracts the people we want to talk to. This would be very difficult, if not impossible, to attain anywhere else. Our company has gained access via ETSI and the 3GPP partnerships to major projects in our field of expertise (subjective audio and video quality testing) and it is a great honour for us to participate in these important developments (e.g. Enhanced Voice Services) with world-wide impact.