This event has been cancelled.

The regulatory environment for market access and spectrum in the EU is changing, which influences the whole CEPT and beyond.

The ETSI Summit will address the new regulatory initiatives and challenges for industry and markets as well as the role European standards play.

The Summit will seek to improve the understanding of new dynamics and help to shape future actions in the light of EU policy and regulatory developments. In particular, how to:

  • Continue to support innovation and the competitiveness of European industry
  • Continue to help SMEs to identify & meet regulatory requirements
  • Continue to help products to ensure compliance to regulatory requirements in EU, CEPT and the Rest of the World
  • Continue to meet the manufacturers’ need to have a predictable regulatory process to support investment
  • Continue to define the “Generally-accepted State of the Art” by consensus-driven standards
  • Achieve the Commission’s objective for legal certainty using voluntary Harmonised Standards providing Presumption of Conformity
  • Achieve the best balance between technical & service neutrality and the need for interoperability

Target Audience

The event will be of particular interest to Administrations; Manufacturers; Notified Bodies; Market surveillance authorities; European Commission; EFTA



  • 09:00

    Welcome Address
    Luis Jorge Romero Saro, ETSI Director-General

  • 09:10

    Keynote: Standardization for European Innovation and Competitiveness
    Neviana Nikoloski, ETSI GA Chair

  • 09:30

    SESSION 1: The Attractiveness of the New Legislative Framework (NLF), moderated by Bettina Funk, ITS

    This session will review the European regulatory framework for goods, highlighting its advantages to Public Authorities and Industry.  Building on the New Approach with consensus-based Harmonised Standards defining the generally-accepted state of the art, the improvements introduced by the New Legislative Framework will be presented. Speakers from Radio Spectrum Authorities, Market-Surveillance Authorities, Notified Bodies and Industry will be invited to present their experience.

    • Setting the Scene – Attractiveness of the NLF from an administration perspective
      Annegret Kubler-Bork, BNetZA

    • Self-declaration of Conformity: a Competitive Asset for Europe in a Rapidly-changing Technological Landscape
      Philippe Magneron, ETSI ERM TG28 Chair

    • How ENs Define the “Generally-accepted State-of-the-art” and Support Innovation
      Holger Bentje, REDCA Chair

    • How ENs are used by Market Surveillance Authorities .
      Lucio Cocciantelli, ADCO RED Chair
  • 10:50

    Coffee and Networking Break

  • 11:20

    SESSION 2: Standardization and Regulation, Friends or Foes? moderated by Klaus-Dieter Axt, Digital Europe

    This session will review the policy objectives of the changes introduced in standardisation by the Regulation 1025/2012 and how these have been influenced by subsequent case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.  It will present the policy objectives of the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU, showing to which extent these have been achieved and how the wider framework of radio spectrum and equipment regulation in the CEPT area has been affected.  The session will also address regulatory approaches in other parts of the world.

    • Objectives and Challenges of Standardization Regulation & Radio Equipment Directive
      Barbara Bonvissuto, DG GROW C.3, European Commission

    • Why Receiver Requirements are Important to Support Effective Spectrum Management
      Jaime Afonso, ECO

    • The Importance of Standards – a Spectrum Regulators Perspective
      Philip Marnick, OFCOM UK

    • Regulation of Receivers Outside EU
      Monisha Ghosh, FCC
  • 12:40

    Lunch and Networking Break

  • 14:00

    SESSION 3: Come On, We Can Do Better: Challenges to the Functioning of the European Standardization System, moderated by Gabrielle Owen, ETSI Board Vice Chair

    This session will review the experience of the implementation of the measures identified in session 2 and discuss their impact on wider industrial policy objectives.  In particular, the session will discuss the ability of the standardization system to encourage innovation in sectors that are increasingly characterised by rapid technological change. The effect on the competitiveness of European industry and the European economy will also be reviewed.

    • Experience of the HASTAC System & Impact on the Motivation of Stakeholders to Participate in Voluntary Standardization
      Holger Butscheidt, ETSI TC ERM Chair

    • Existing Challenges and their Impact on European Industrial Competitiveness
      Sibylle Gabler, CEN/CENELEC European Policy Hub

    • New Challenges in Compliance Engineering
      Bob Griffin, Chair of IEC TC 108 (Safety of ICT), IBM Corporation
  • 15:00

    Coffee and Networking Break

  • 15:30

    PANEL SESSION:  Ready for the Digital Era - Building on the Benefits of the NLF, moderated by Jochen Friedrich, ETSI Board, Bildt Report Task Force Chair

    To conclude the summit, this panel will discuss the points raised during the day and make recommendations on how to achieve the policy objectives while preserving the benefits of the New Legislative Framework.


    • Didier Chauveau, ANFR
    • Joaquim Nunes de Almeida, DG GROW, European Commission
    • Philippe Portalier, Orgalim
    • Gudrun Rognvaldardottir, EFTA
    • Chris Woolford, CEPT/ECC Chair
  • 17:00

    Sessions' Summary and Closing Remarks
    Dirk Weiler, ETSI Board Chair

  • 17:30

    End of the ETSI Summit

The event has been cancelled. 

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