The ETSI Technical Committee  Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (TC ESI) is organising a training on its standards on trust services and their use. This virtual event will take place on 1 June from 11:00 CEST to 15:00 CEST. It will allow direct interaction with speakers and will cover the following topics:

 1)    Overview of ETSI TSP standards
 2)    Signature formats & verification procedures (including algorithm  guidance)
 3)    Standards for TSPs issuing certificates (ETSI EN 319 401/411/412, including open banking)
 4)    Other Trust Application standards (Registered Electronic Delivery and Mail, Data Preservation)
 5)    TSP Supervision, Certification and Audit
 6)    Identity proofing
 7)    Remote signing (including CEN EN 419 241-1/241-2 on server signing systems)
 8)    Trusted lists
 9)    Mutual recognition of non-EU trust service
10)   Future trends, Discussion & Closing remarks


  • Nick Pope: Security & Standards Associates
  •  Juan Carlos Cruellas: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  •  Andrea Rock: Cryptolog
  • Sylvie Lacroix: Sealed
  • Arno Fiedler: Nimbus
  • Andrea Caccia: SBS
  • Olivier Delos: Sealed

This truly global and inclusive event involves Asia PKI Consortium, Japan Network Security Association, the Arab ICT Organization (AICTO) and Safe Identity – global industry consortium for digital identity and cryptography in healthcare and more.

Space is limited, register now!

To view the recording of the webinar, follow this link

The Training presentations are available here.

Any Questions? Contact us