You are invited to explore Standardization for a competitive EU in the digital era.

During this event the report "Calling the shots: Standardization for EU competitiveness in a digital era" is being presented and discussed with panellists from the Commission and ESOs.

In the last two decades of the 20th century Europe took the lead globally in mobile communications, inducing the vast creation of value, jobs and innovation - and quite some political gain. Still today, the EU and its member states have many cards in their hands to be serious contenders in the digital race.

The EU needs to keep its focus on leading in global digital standards setting, thus join our panel debate and share your ideas on:

  • How to set priorities and develop a comprehensive industrial strategy that stimulates European Competitiveness in the digital economy, based on a trusted partnership between the private sector and government?
  • How to engineer an effective toolbox to support research, technology development and innovation?
  • How to combine different policy dimensions such as trade, security, innovation, digital and industrial policy to shape a global digital policy?
  • How to regain the EU's leadership and performance in standardization compared to the current lack of cohesion in EU standard setting?

See more information and REGISTER via the event site.

For the agenda refer to the event website.

European Parliament (Members' Salon)

Brussels, Belgium

Any Questions? Contact us