ETSI is pleased to endorse the Annual Conference of Major Cities of Europe (MCE) which takes place in Venice from 13 to 14 June, 2019. Since years, thanks to the friendly and open atmosphere, the annual conference offers an excellent opportunity to engage in informal discussions, to share ideas, initiatives, experiences and learn from each other.
The motto of this Annual Conference 2019 is: “Channeling Change – Digital Cities in a Changing world: explore more, discover more, create more!”
The conference programme includes topics of compelling interest and high-level speakers from many different countries.
The conference is a unique opportunity to:
- interact and exchange directly with other European municipalities in a non-commercial environment,
- discuss about the real challenges that municipalities currently deal about digitization,
- test your ideas with ‘digital leaders’ from cities across Europe,
- understand how to involve citizens in designing and achieving better outcomes,
- see how to use data and information more effectively,
- hear the truth, not the spin,To be informed, to be challenged, to be involved – and to have fun.
One of the Keynote speakers is Mr. Ricardo Vitorino, Vice-Chairman of ETSI. He will discuss how context information and interoperability can change smart cities' technology and business.
For more information and registration visit the conference website.