Open CAPIF Logo Screen Colour Slogan  Open Slice OSL Logo Screen Colour Slogan3x  Open Source MANO Logo Screen Colour Slogan       TeraFlow SDN Logo Screen Colour Slogan 

In the dynamic landscape of communication technology, the convergence of open source software, standardization, and cutting-edge research stands as a cornerstone for building resilient and sustainable networks. ETSI has pioneered an approach in establishing Software Development Groups, alongside research-driven early-stage standardization in Industry Specification Groups, all in close proximity to 3GPP. This event, spanning a 1.5-day conference supplemented by 3 half-day Hackfests, will explore the synergies between these complementary tracks, shaping the future of communication infrastructure and services.

With a multidisciplinary approach, this gathering will highlight the relationships between open source initiatives, industry standards, and academic research in driving innovation, fostering interoperability, and ensuring the long-term viability of communication networks. Through a series of engaging talks, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, participants will delve into the collaborative frameworks essential for harnessing the collective strengths of these pillars.

Key themes to be explored include:

  • The role of software and open source in accelerating the development and deployment of standardized communication technologies, fostering agility and adaptability.
  • The importance of standardization efforts in establishing interoperable frameworks and ensuring global connectivity.
  • The impact of research advancements in pushing the boundaries of technological innovation, driving forward-thinking solutions for future challenges.
  • Strategies for fostering cross-pollination among industry, academia, and open source communities to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration.
  • Concrete examples of collaboration, achievements, and challenges from ongoing initiatives.

Hackfest sessions will provide a hands-on platform for attendees to engage with our most recent Software Development Groups through real-world projects, experiment with emerging technologies, and contribute to ongoing initiatives, underlining the practical applications of the principles discussed during the conference.

Join us as we navigate the interplay of software, standardization, and research, envisioning a future where collaboration across these domains paves the way for sustainable, inclusive, and interoperable communication networks and services.

Event Schedule:

  Monday 11.11 Tuesday 12.11 Wednesday 13.11 Thursday 14.11
Morning Bank Holiday SDG Openslice
Conference Conference
Afternoon SDG TeraflowSDN
Conference SDG OpenCAPIF

The event programme will be completed and published here in September.

DAY 1, Tuesday 12 November

09:00 - 12:00 SDG OpenSlice Tutorial/Hackfest

14:00 - 17:00 SDG TeraflowSDN Tutorial/Hackfest

DAY 2, Wednesday 13 November

09:00 - 09:15: Conference Opening & Welcome

09:15 - 10:15: Keynote Speaches

10:15 - 10:30: Presentation of Posters & Demos

10:30 - 11:00: Coffee Break, Posters & Demos Visit

11:00 - 12:30: SESSION 1 - ACCESS & SERVICES

12:30 - 14:00: Lunch, Posters & Demos Visit


15:30 - 16:00: Coffee Break, Posters & Demos Visit


17:30 - 19:00: Networking Cocktail

DAY 3, Thursday 14 November


10:30 - 11:00: Coffee Break, Posters & Demos Visit

11:00 - 12:30: SESSION 5 - CONCLUSIONS & WRAP-UP

12:30 - 12:40: Conference Closing

12:45 - 14:00: Lunch, Posters & Demos Visit

14:00 - 17:00 SDG OpenCAPIF Tutorial/Hackfest 

OpenSlice Hackfest - Delivering Network as a Service (NaaS) with OpenSlice

Are you ready to dive into the future of network administration? Eager to transform the way we manage and deliver network services? Join us for the OpenSlice Hackfest at the ETSI SNS4SNS event, focused on Network Automation, Network as a Service (NaaS) and Service Orchestration!

Target Audience

Developers, Network Engineers, 5G Enthusiasts, Research Project Delegates, Students, and Open Source Contributors.

What to expect

The OSL#1 Hackfest is a great opportunity for the involved participants to get a hands-on experience with OpenSlice, from a guided step by step of installation to mastering the network service design and reaping the fruits of service orchestration and operation. The latter will be demonstrated through comprehensive examples that streamline zero-touch network management. We will design and deliver flexible NaaS solutions that cater to the dynamic needs of modern research and industry and create sophisticated orchestration processes that ensure seamless integration and management of network services.

Key Focus Areas

  • OpenSlice installation
  • Architecture Overview
  • Step-by-step installation guide
  • Hands-on session with live Q&A
  • Service Design for 5G Systems
  • Basics of 5G Core architecture and industry standards
  • Service Design using OpenSlice (based on NFV / Kubernetes)
  • Practical examples and demonstrations
  • Service Orchestration and Operation
  • Introduction to Service Orchestration
  • Using OpenSlice for managing and operating services
  • Advanced Topics
  • Sophisticated OpenSlice features
  • Third-party services integration

Don’t miss the opportunity to be at the forefront of open source networking innovation. Register now and be part of the community!

TeraFlowSDN Hackfest - Network Automation with TeraFlowSDN

Join us for the TeraFlowSDN Hackfest at the SNS4SNS event, a comprehensive hands on tutorial dedicated to exploring the fundamental concepts, protocols, and standards needed to deploy, onboard, control, and monitor network devices like programmable routers and white boxes. This Hackfest provides participants with the opportunity to master TeraFlowSDN, enhancing their Smart Networks and Services projects through an industry-oriented, cutting-edge network automation framework. Additionally, attendees will learn how to engage with the community to contribute code, new features and bug reports.

Who Should Attend

  • Network Operators and Service Providers: Gain hands-on operational experience with TeraFlowSDN.
  • Equipment Providers: Learn to integrate your solutions seamlessly with TeraFlowSDN.
  • Academia and Universities: Utilize TeraFlowSDN as a platform for advanced networking research.
  • System Integrators: Develop and expand your expertise with TeraFlowSDN.
  • Research Project Members: Implement TeraFlowSDN in your research and proof-of-concept initiatives.

Join us to elevate your network automation skills with TeraFlowSDN and connect with a community of innovators!

OpenCAPIF Hackfest - API Exposure and Consumption with OpenCAPIF

The OpenCAPIF Hackfest at the SNS4SNS event will be an interactive tutorial dedicated to exploring the fundamental concepts and standards needed to publish, discover, and consume APIs using the 3GPP Common API Framework. This Hackfest provides participants with the opportunity to master OpenCAPIF operations, enhancing their Smart Networks and Services projects with the use of a developer oriented, 3GPP API management system. Participants will experiment with registering API Invokers and API Providers, as well as publishing and consuming APIs using OpenCAPIF. Additionally, attendees will learn how to engage with the community to report issues, contribute code and request new features.

Who Should Attend

  • Network Operators and Service Providers: Gain hands-on experience on API management in 5G Networks.
  • Equipment Providers: Learn to integrate your solutions with API Management Systems in Network Operators.
  • Academia and Universities: Utilize OpenCAPIF as an API Framework for advanced networking research.
  • System Integrators: Develop and expand your expertise with OpenCAPIF.
  • Research Project Members: Implement OpenCAPIF in your research and proof-of-concept initiatives.

Join us to develop your API management skills in 5G and 6G networks and connect with a community of developers and innovators!

David Artuñedo Guillen, PC Chair, OCF Chair, Telefonica
Christos Tranoris, PC Chair, 
OSL Chair, University of Patras
Ricard Vilalta, PC Chair, 

Silvia Almagia, SNS Director, ETSI
David Boswarthick
, Director NET, ETSI

Pavlos FournogerakisSNS JU Deputy Head of Programmes
Alexandros Kaloxylos, Executive Director, 6G-IA

Diego LopezZSM Chair, Telefonica
Ultan MulliganCSO, ETSI 
Francisco Javier Ramon Salguero, OSM Chair, Telefonica
Dario SabellaMEC Chair, Intel
Issam ToufikCTO, ETSI

The ETSI SNS4SNS event brings together experts from the fields of software, open source, standardization, and innovation. It features discussions, panels, and hackfests focused on the integration of software including open source and standardized solutions in modern communication technologies.
This event serves as a platform for industry leaders, decision makers, technologists, researchers, and developers to collaborate and innovate for building sustainable, resilient, and interoperable communication networks and services.

Call for Posters and Demos – Deadline: 15 September 2024

The Event Programme Committee is currently calling for proposals for demos and posters showcasing innovative work in the following areas:

  • Open source software and standardization in communication technologies,
  • Research advancements in software and opensource for smart networks and services,
  • Collaborative frameworks between industry, academia, and open source communities.

Please use this form to submit your demo or poster proposals.

Proposals will be evaluated and selected by the Programme Committee.

Selected submissions will be presented during networking coffee and lunch breaks. 

The speakers' biographies will be available in September

Event venue:

ETSI Headquarters
650 Route des Lucioles
06921 Sophia Antipolis

Tel: +33 4 92 94 42 00

Travel & Accomodation

Details of how to get to ETSI, local transport and hotels

Any Questions? Contact us