
The IMT-2000 family of technologies defined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for 3rd Generation mobile services includes delivery by both terrestrial and satellite transmission.

ETSI's contribution to the specification of the satellite component of UMTS/IMT-2000 focuses on ensuring that the satellite component can directly inter-work with other UMTSTM networks. The work includes ensuring compatibility of services defined for the terrestrial component with satellite UMTSTM including, in particular, Multimedia Broadcasting/Multicasting Service (MBMS).

During 2006, ETSI provided input to enable European Commission decisions on the operation of Mobile Satellite Services in the 2 GHz band (adjacent to IMT-2000 bands) to allow mobile satellite services with a complementary ground component to improve coverage in urban areas. These decisions require EU Member States to make spectrum available under defined harmonized conditions.

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